Shara Hughes (b. 1981, Atlanta) uses dizzying brushwork, vibrant colors, and shifting perspectives to make paintings that defy many of the existing conventions associated with the landscape genre. Natural motifs and patterned elements recur throughout Hughes’s pictures: snake-like trees, floating moons, distorted reflections in bodies of water, and stippled night skies appear in various permutations, synchronized with harder-to-define forms in which abstract and representational impulses co-exist in unorthodox harmony. Hughes’s process rarely involves reference images; instead, she transposes the psychological complexity of her interior world into lush and layered compositions. She often mixes pigment directly atop her surfaces, and in this way creates intuitive, one-of-a-kind color palettes that simultaneously point to art historical movements like color field painting and Post-Impressionism. As she engages with these open-ended experiments in image-making, Hughes depicts kaleidoscopic visions of flora and fauna in processes of constant evolution.
莎拉·休斯的个展举办机构包括:旗帜艺术基金会,纽约(2022);卢塞恩美术馆,瑞士(2022);余德耀美术馆,上海(2021-2022);圣路易斯当代艺术博物馆(2021);花园博物馆,伦敦(2021);阿斯彭艺术博物馆,科罗拉多(2021);Le Consortium当代艺术中心,第戎,法国(2021)。她近期参与的群展包括:龙美术馆十周年特展,龙美术馆,上海(2023);“自然人 - 人性自然”,阿尔勒梵高基金会,法国(2022–2023);“马里布至福”,大卫·柯丹斯基画廊,洛杉矶(2021);“美国将如是:当代景观调研展”,达拉斯艺术博物馆(2019);2017惠特尼双年展,惠特尼美国艺术博物馆,纽约。她的作品被永久收藏于:纽约大都会艺术博物馆;丹佛艺术博物馆;高艺术博物馆,亚特兰大;X美术馆,北京;史密森尼美国艺术博物馆,华盛顿特区等。休斯目前在纽约布鲁克林生活和工作。
Dodie Kazanjian
Suzanne Hudson
Dodie Kazanjian
Laurie Barron
Katie White
Dodie Kazanjian
Julie Baumgardner
Prudence Peiffer