2022年,拉希德·约翰逊作为纽约皇后区博物馆及纽约与新州港务局联合委托的六位艺术家之一,为达美航空位于纽约皇后区拉瓜迪亚机场的新航站楼创作了一件特定场域的永久性装置。2021年,纽约大都会歌剧院委托约翰逊为其歌剧厅创作了一件大型艺术作品;他的一件大型户外雕塑被安置在纽约新温莎的暴风国王艺术中心。约翰逊的个展举办机构包括:塔马约博物馆,墨西哥城(2019);阿斯彭艺术博物馆,科罗拉多州(2019);肯珀当代艺术博物馆,堪萨斯城(2017)——该展曾巡展至密尔沃基艺术博物馆(2017);麦克内艺术博物馆,圣安东尼奥,德州(2017);车库当代艺术博物馆,莫斯科(2016);贝加莫现代和当代艺术博物馆,意大利(2016);纽约绘画中心(2015)。他参加的重要群展包括:“悲伤与怨恨:美国的艺术与哀悼”,新博物馆,纽约(2021);“胃与港”,利物浦双年展,英国(2021);“永远的现在:非时间性的当代绘画”,纽约现代艺术博物馆(2014);“启迪”,第54届威尼斯双年展国际国际馆,意大利(2011)。他的作品被永久收藏于:惠特尼美国艺术博物馆,纽约;古根海姆博物馆,纽约;洛杉矶艺术博物馆;芝加哥当代艺术博物馆。约翰逊的首部剧情长片在圣丹斯电影节上首映,该片改编自理查德·赖特(Richard Wright)的《土生子》(Native Son),于2019年在HBO上播出。约翰逊目前在纽约生活和工作。
Rashid Johnson
Soul Painting “Lefty”, 2024
oil on linen
73 3/4 x 61 3/4 x 2 1/2 inches
(187.3 x 156.8 x 6.3 cm)
Rashid Johnson
Bruise Painting “The Key”, 2023
oil on linen
95 7/8 x 121 3/4 x 2 1/2 inches
(243.5 x 309.2 x 6.3 cm)
Rashid Johnson
Untitled Escape Collage, 2023
ceramic tile, mirror tile, branded red oak flooring, vinyl, spray enamel, oil stick, black soap, and wax
97 x 121 x 2 inches
(246.4 x 307.3 x 5.1 cm)
Rashid Johnson
God Painting "Carefree", 2023
oil on linen
49 3/4 x 37 3/4 x 2 1/2 inches
(126.4 x 95.9 x 6.3 cm)
Rashid Johnson
Untitled Totem, 2021
cast bronze
82 x 55 x 43 inches
(208.3 x 139.7 x 109.2 cm)
Edition of 2 plus 1 AP
Rashid Johnson
Untitled Broken Crowd, 2018
ceramic tile, mirror tile, spray enamel, oil stick, black soap, and wax
73 x 47 1/2 x 2 1/4 inches
(185.4 x 120.7 x 5.7 cm)
Rashid Johnson
Falling Man, 2016
burned red oak flooring, spray enamel, mirror, black soap, wax, oyster shell, shea butter, book, plant
123 in x 102 in x 14.5 inches
(312.42 x 259.08 x 36.83 cm)
Rashid Johnson
Plateaus, 2014
steel, spray enamel, plants, ceramic, concrete, plastic, brass, burned wood, grow lamps, CB radios, shea butter, rugs, and books
228 x 180 x 180 inches
(579.1 x 457.2 x 457.2 cm)
Installation view, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, 2017
Rashid Johnson
Un-American Idol, 2014
mirrored tile, vinyl, book, plant, shea butter, black soap, and wax
72 1/2 x 98 x 14 inches
(184.2 x 248.9 x 35.6 cm)
Rashid Johnson
Houses in Motion, 2012
branded red oak flooring, black soap, and wax
96 x 120 x 2 3/4 inches
(243.8 x 304.8 x 7 cm)
Rashid Johnson
Souls of Black Folk, 2010
stained wood, books, vinyl, brass, shea butter, plants, space rocks, mirrors, gold paint, black soap, and wax
114 x 124 3/4 x 24 inches
(289.56 x 316.865 x 61.278 cm)
Rashid Johnson
Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos, 2008
136 1/2 x 126 x 24 inches
(346.7 x 320 x 61 cm)
Installation view, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Calvin Tomkins
Antwaun Sargent
Hilarie M. Sheets
Dodie Kazanjian
Mandalit Del Barco
Christopher Knight
Roberta Smith
Cameron Shaw
Christopher Knight
Chloe Schama
Huey Copeland
Christopher Stackhouse
Benjamin Godsill