瓦伦丁·卡伦曾经代表瑞士参加了第55届意大利威尼斯双年展(2013)。他曾在诸多国际艺术机构举办过个展,其中包括:贝尔公园博物馆,科林斯,瑞士(2021);Le Consortium当代艺术中心,第戎,法国(2020);雷恩美术馆及雷恩大学艺术与研究中心,法国(2018);奥弗贝克协会,吕贝克,德国(2015);伯尔尼美术馆,瑞士(2014);路易斯·莫莱特基金会,马蒂尼,瑞士(2014);东京宫,巴黎(2010);La Conserva当代艺术中心,塞乌蒂(2009);苏黎世美术馆,瑞士(2007)。他的群展举办机构包括:蓬皮杜 - 梅斯艺术中心,梅茨,法国(2020);纽约高线公园(2016)。他的作品被永久收藏于:阿尔高美术馆,阿劳,瑞士;巴德学院策展研究中心,哈得逊河畔安嫩代尔,纽约;米格罗斯当代艺术博物馆,苏黎世。卡伦代目前在瑞士马蒂尼生活和工作。
Valentin Carron
Man with Baby on Arm, 2023
cast aluminum and enamel paint
66 1/2 x 24 x 14 inches
(168.9 x 61 x 35.6 cm)
unique in a series of 3, with 1 AP
Valentin Carron
The Bathrobe (yellowish and cold), 2020
enamel on cast aluminum
47 1/2 x 17 3/4 x 8 inches
(120.7 x 45.1 x 20.3 cm)
unique variant in an edition of 3
Valentin Carron
Dust Mint, 2018
painted aluminum
30 parts, each:
12 5/8 x 23 5/8 x 15 3/4 inches
(32 x 60 x 40 cm)
252 x 23 5/8 x 15 3/4 inches
(640 x 60 x 40 cm)
Installation view
Valentin Carron
Speed and Aluminum and Trembling, 2017
composite panels, acrylic paint
93 1/8 x 151 1/8 x 9 inches
(236.5 x 385 x 23.5 cm)
Valentin Carron
A hand five fingers, 2016
bronze, patina and enamel paint
3 1/2 x 24 x 27 1/4 inches
(7 x 61 x 69.2 cm)
29 1/2 x 27 1/2 x 23 1/2 inches
(74.9 x 69.9 x 59.7 cm)
unique colored variant from Edition of 2, with 1 AP
Valentin Carron
Node (after Piero Travaglini), 2014
Styrofoam, fiberglass, resin, acrylic paint
85 3/4 x 37 3/4 x 15 3/4 inches
(218 x 96 x 40 cm)
Valentin Carron
Maurice, Richard harelip, 2013
cast bronze
31 1/2 x 18 1/8 x 2 1/2 inches
(80 x 46 x 6.5 cm)
Edition of 2, with 1 AP
Valentin Carron
He we you you they, 2013
94 3/4 x 71 1/4 x 59 3/4 inches
(241 x 181 x 152 cm)
Valentin Carron
Walter, 2011
Dichroic glass, acrylic lacquer
2 parts, each:
15 3/4 x 10 1/4 x 4 3/8 inches
(40 x 26 x 11 cm)
Valentin Carron
Untitled, 2009
oak and fir wood, zinced steel, paint
433 1/8 x 247 1/4 x 43 1/4 inches
(1100 x 628 x 110 cm)
43 1/4 x 247 1/4 x 247 1/4 inches
(110 x 628 x 628 cm)
Installation view, Messeplatz, Art Basel 2013
Valentin Carron
Orologio V, 2008
Styrofoam, gauze, wood, plaster, clock mechanism, aluminium, dispersion paint
102 3/8 x 82 5/8 x 7 7/8 inches
(260 x 210 x 20 cm)
Valentin Carron
Le Souffleteur, 2005
cannon: polyesther, acrylic
plinths: wood, plaster, acrylic
18 1/8 x 118 1/8 x 27 1/2 inches
(46 x 300 x 70 cm)
Martha Schwendener
Giovanni Carmine
David Breslin
Lionel Bovier
Aoife Rosenmeyer
Christopher Knight
Timothée Chaillou
Adam Jasper